Facebook seems to be the social media platform that many authors feel like they have to be on, but not as many actually want to be on. I get it. With the privacy concerns and the creepily targeted advertising and relatives sharing questionable content, it’s not always the happiest place to be.

But, it’s often the place to be. It’s still the leading social media platform in terms of audience size and breadth. And the variety of ways you can engage with people makes it hard to beat for authors.

In this episode, I’m going to break down the three main spaces on Facebook and the best uses for each, from an author’s perspective. Those three spaces are profiles, pages and groups.

Also, check out the top of this week’s TBR pile: The Business of Love by Kerri Keberly (this is an Amazon affiliate link).


Facebook group for ongoing social media support
  • Check out my other podcast episodes
  • Get one-on-one training with me on how to use Facebook pages or groups at Caledonia Creative
  • 6: Facebook profiles, pages and groups, oh my!